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What is an MS4?

An MS4 is a conveyance or system of storm sewers that is owned by a municipality, state, or other entity that discharges stormwater runoff to waters of the Commonwealth. This includes storm drains (inlets), storm sewer pipes, stormwater facilities, etc.

Why is Stowe Township Responsible for Managing Stormwater?

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) requires municipalities within their urbanized areas to reduce the number of pollutants that are discharging to the surrounding streams (a.k.a. waterways of the Commonwealth) under a PAG-13 General Permit for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4). The Pennsylvania Code Chapter 93 sets standards to help protect the waters from pollutants that can affect aquatic life, water supply, recreation and fish consumption, etc.

Stowe Township is a covered permittee for the MS4 under Permit ID. PAG136366 and is required to manage these pollutants by educating and implementing proper control measures and best management practices (BMPs).

How Can You Assist the Township in Meeting MS4 Requirements?

The community can assist the Township by keeping your property clean of:

  • Grass clippings
  • Oils and grease
  • Leaves and debris
  • Cleaning agents from vehicle cleanings, etc.

It is important to keep cleaning agents from vehicle washing, paints, oils, grease, and any auto or household toxins away from the storm inlets, roads, or conveyance system to avoid any illicit discharges that flow into the streams.

IF YOU SEE SOMETHING THAT IS NOT RIGHT:  Illicit Discharge Complaint Form 4-2023

Other references:

Stowe Township Stormwater Ordinance:

Illicit+Discharge poster 4-2023